go math
  •  We utilize the program Go Math! to meet our Kindergarten math goals. 

    By the end of Kindergarten it is expected that your child will be able to count out loud to 100, recognize and write numbers to 100, add and subtract within the number 10, use place values to describe numbers up to 19, name and describe 2D and 3D shapes, identify coins (penny, nickel, dime, and quarter), compare weight, length, and compacity of objects, identify and extend patterns, and graph data. 

    It is important that your child also practices these goals at home. Count everything with your chid (how many jelly beans they have, how many cars you pass on the way to school, how many steps it take for your child to walk from the car to your house, count EVERYTHING and ANYTHING). Practice making patterns (make patterns out of the different colors of goldfish they have, make a pattern out of colors of legos they have, etc.) There are many ways that you can review these concepts with your child to help them succeed.