6th Grade Team



    Welcome to 6th Grade!
    Please feel free to reach out to us at any time! Whether you have a question or concern, we are here to help!  You can reach us at the email addresses listed below, or by calling 215-736-2681 and dialing the extension of the teacher you want to speak with. 
    **Please note, if you call between the hours of 7:45-2:30, you will be directed to our voicemail boxes. Please leave a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible!  If you have an immediate need, please call Mrs. Ebert at Extension 5260. Thank you for understanding!
    Mrs. Reichert (Team Leader, Math and Science)               jreichert@mv.org            Extension 4200
    Mrs. Leedom (Reading, Science, and Language Arts)          lleedom@mv.org              Extension 4170
    Mr. Fox (Social Studies and Language Arts)                       dfox@mv.org                  Extension 4150
    Mrs. Van Demark (Learning Support and Read 180)        cvandemark@mv.org           Extension 8160
    Mrs. Bauer (Emotional Support)                                           ldbauer@mv.org            Extension 4160



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