Packets for Learning


    First Grade

     1st Grade Literacy Skills  Complete worksheets, print out or write answers on separate paper


    Mia's Ghost Story  Read the story and complete activities including writing prompt


    Second Grade

    2nd Grade Reading Skils Practice  Complete each sheet, either print out or write answers on separate paper


    Lunch Box  Read story and answer questions


    Third Grade

    3rd Grade Library Skills  Complete each sheet either print out or write answers on a separate piece


    3rd Grade Language Arts Practice  Complete each sheet either print out or write answers



    Fourth Grade

    4th Grade Reading Skill Practice  Complete activities


    4th Grade Reading Selections and Library Skills  Complete activities 


    Firth Grade

     5th Grade Library Skills  Complete each sheet.  You can either print out or write the answers on another sheet


    Read the selection and fill out the story web on the following page  The Budding Scientist


    Ben Franklin  Read the selection and fill out the story web on the following page


    Skim an Article  A good reader and researcher skims an article.  Skimming can assist in you in understanding what you've read.  Plus the technique is a useful notetaker.  Read the two paragraphs and fill out the secondary sheet.