List of Supplies

  • 1st Grade Supply List

    Dear Parents/Guardians,

    Some basic items your child will need to begin first grade include the following:

    • 2 boxes of sharpened, yellow, number 2 pencils
    • 1 boxes of tissues
    • 4 containers of Clorox wipes
    • 1 hand sanitizer
    • Scissors
    • 6 glue sticks
    • Zippered case for all supplies
    • 1 folder
    • 3 boxes of Crayons (teacher will hold a box for ½ way through year)
    • 1 container of playdough ( for word work)
    • Headphones

    Everything should be labeled with your child’s name; however, please remember some of these supplies will be shared within the classroom.

    Beginning with the first day of school, a time will be set aside for a small snack. Please provide your child with a nutritious snack each day during the school year.

    In order that we have an accurate view of your child’s knowledge of basic skills, we will be assessing the following areas during the first several days of school in September:

                 Recognition of all upper and lower case letters, consonant sounds, numbers  0-12, and kindergarten vocabulary.

    Let’s work together to make this a positive journey.


    First Grade Teachers

    Grandview Elementary School