Mrs. Sonnentag's Homework




    Where?: Located in your child's blue communication folder.  


    • weekly spelling packet 
    • math worksheet
    • language arts worksheet
    • nightly reading 10-15 minutes
    • sight word practice (flashcards provided for quick, frequent practice)
    • occasional reteaching or enrichment worksheets to supplement your child's education
    • signed progress notes


    • assigned Monday through Thursday
    • math/reading worksheets due back the following morning
      • If your child is absent the HW from the previous day is due back the morning he or she returns. HW and make-up work from the day your child missed school is due back two days later. 
    • progress reports sent home Friday and due back on Monday


    • to help students practice what is taught in school
    • to achieve growth from Fountas and Pinnell Reading Level D (beginning of the year goal) to Level J (end of the year goal)
    • to meet our goals based on the common core academic standards.
    • to help students develop independence and confidence with academic tasks. 

    How much support?:

    • Provide a routine for homework, such as right after snack upon arriving home, or after dinner in the same place each night. 
    • Please read directions for students and encourage them to do work independently if possible.  
    • If your child completes work at an after school program or with a babysitter, please still take some time if possible to check and discuss HW with the student before turning it in the following day. 
    • Please help struggling students so that they are not practicing the skills incorrectly. You may send me a note or write directly on the HW about any concerns you have or help you feel your child needs in class the following day.