Middle/High School (6-12)
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- Monthly Calendar
- Administration
- Student Handbook and Parent Guide
- Honor Roll
- Principal's Honor Roll
- Program of Studies
- Act 158 HS Graduation Requirements
- Bullying Policy
- Federal Funding
- Pennsylvania Youth Survey (PAYS)
- PowerSchool Family Access
- Reading Olympics
- Service-Learning
- Student Accident Insurance
- Summer Reading Project
- Tariq Khamisa Foundation
Student Handbook and Parent Guides for Grades 6-12
Student and Parent/Guardian Handbook: You will find answers to many questions in this book. Please read this handbook with/to your child. All students, parents and staff are expected to adhere to the guidelines set forth in this book. If you wish to request a copy of this book, please contact the school office.
Parent Guardian Permission Form is related to all required forms in order to protect your rights and the rights of your child. All School District of Borough of Morrisville students must submit a completed permission form at the beginning of each school year.
Student Handbook/Quick Guide
Excused Lates or Absences
Up to ten absences can be excused with a parent note. To have a lateness or absence excused provide the school with a note explaining the reason for the absence or lateness within the first three days that a student returns to school. The note must be written and signed by the parent or guardian and must provide the following information:
- Full name of student
- Student's grade level
- Dates for which the excuse is written
- Reason for absence
- Telephone number at which the parent/guardian can be reached.
Parents and guardians may call 267-793-3022 before 9:00 a.m. or email mshsattendance@mv.org to report a student absence. An absence note is still required upon the student's return to school.
Late arrivals will only be excused for one of the following reasons:
- Illness of the students
- Family emergency
- Specific details regarding the nature of the emergency must be provided
- Exceptions as provided by the Board
Excessive Absence for the Year
- Students with irregular or unusual attendance patterns may be required to submit a doctor’s note for any absence to be excused.
- Credit for the year’s work for any student absent twenty-five (25) days or more without a medical excuse will be withheld.
- Seniors absent twenty-five (25) days or more unexcused may have graduation privileges withheld, and/or not participate in the graduation ceremony.
Total Points Grading System
All students within grades 6-12 are graded based upon a total points system. A student’s cumulative grade is calculated on the total points earned, divided by the total points attempted. Each grade-level team or department is responsible for communicating their total points values to students and families within their course syllabi.
Grade Scale
A+ = 100 – 97 (4.0)
A = 96 – 93 (3.88)
A- = 92 – 90 (3.67)
B+ = 89 – 87 (3.33)
B = 86 – 83 (3.0)
B- = 82 – 80 (2.67)
C+ = 79 – 77 (2.33)
C = 76 – 73 (2.0)
C- = 72 – 70 (1.67)
D+ = 69 – 67 (1.33)
D = 66 – 63 (1.0)
D- = 62 – 60 (.67)
F = 59 or below (0)
Honor Roll
In order to promote and celebrate high academic success, students may receive honor roll if they meet specific criteria. Students may make the ‘Principal's Honor Roll’ if they have obtained all A’s for the marking period. Students may make “Honor Roll” if they have a B average (GPA = 3.0 or better) with no grade below a C.
Guidelines for Discipline
Levels of Offences
I. Minor Disruptions of school activities.
These behaviors can usually be handled by an individual staff member, but sometimes require intervention of other school personnel.
- Violating cafeteria rules
- Late to class
- Late to school
- Failure to complete assignments
- Unprepared for class
- Vulgar language
- Disrupting class
- Dress Code Violations
- Loitering
- Nuisance items
- Electronic devices violation
- Verbal reprimand
- Teacher detention
- Conference with Student
- Parent contact
- Lunch detention
- Special assignment
II. Misbehavior whose frequency or seriousness tends to disrupt school activities.
These infractions which usually result from the continuation of level I misbehaviors, require intervention of administrative personnel.
- Violating cafeteria rules
- Late to class
- Late to school
- Abuse of pass
- Unprepared for class
- Vulgar language
- Disrupting class
- Dress Code Violations
- Loitering
- Nuisance items
- Electronic devices violation
- Administrative conference with student
- Lunch detention
- After school detention
- Saturday School Hours
- In-school suspension
- Out of school suspension
- Social event exclusion
III. Acts directed against persons or property or that create unsafe situations at school.
These acts might be considered illegal but most frequently can be handled by the disciplinary mechanisms in the school.
- Major disruption of school activities or the school day.
- Insubordination
- Continued unmodified Level II behavior
- Unauthorized Areas
- Destruction of school property/personal property
- Disrespect
- Threats/Harassment/Bullying/Instigating a fight
- Extortion
- Gang-related activity and/or gang-related characteristics
- Fraud/Cheating
- Horseplaying or play fighting
- Profanity/Obscenity
- Theft
- Nicotine (possession of tobacco products such as vape and/or vaping pods, lighters, cigarettes, e-cigarettes, )
- Leaving the school building without permission.
- Student conference with administrator.
- Parent/Guardian conference
- Saturday School Hours
- In-school suspension
- Out of school suspension
- Exclusion from events
- Online instructional course (vaping)
- SAP referral
- Cease and Desist Order
- Alternative actions
IV. Acts which result in violence to another person or property or pose a direct threat to the safety of other in the school
These actions are clearly criminal and are so serious that they always require administrative actions, which result in the immediate removal of the students from school.
- Fighting
- Habitual Defiance
- Assault of a student or district employee
- Weapons/Dangerous objects
- Possession of or under the influence of alcoholic beverages, controlled substances, look alike/designer drugs, anabolic steroids, paraphernalia, cannabis vaping devices.
- Intentionally causing a false alarm (fire, bomb threat, or lock-down)
- Tampering with the personal property of a staff member
- Out of school suspension with an informal hearing.
- Referred to the Superintendent's office.
- Referred to the school board for expulsion.
- SAP referral
- Cease and Desist Order
- Alternative actions