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- HLE World Cultures
Gober, James (HS History)
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World Cultures
Mr.Gober C 21
Course Overview
Course Description: This course addresses major periods in world history, with special emphasis on the events and people, which shaped and enriched both Western and Eastern Civilization from 1600s to the present. economic, social, and political topics will afford students the challenge to become knowledgeable learners.
Materials and Resources:
- Textbook: Modern World History and Workbook
- Assignment instructions, primary source documents
- CNN 10
- Selected videos and movies
The French Revolution and Napoleon
- The French Revolution Begins
- Revolution Brings Reform and Terror
- Napoleon’s Empire
- The Congress of Vienna
The Industrial Revolution
- The Beginnings of Industrialization
- Industrialization Case Study: Manchester
- Industrialism Spreads
- Reforming the Industrial World
The Age of Imperialism
- The Roots of Imperialism
- Imperialism in Africa
- Europeans Claim Muslim Lands
- British Imperialism in India
- European Claims in Southeast Asia
- US Economic Imperialism
Transformations Around the Globe
- China Resists Outside Influence
- Modernization in Japan
- Turmoil and Change in Mexico
Revolution and Nationalism
- Revolutions in Russia
- Totalitarianism: Stalinist Russia
- Imperial China Collapses
- Nationalism in Southwest Asia
The Colonies Become New Nations
- The Indian Subcontinent Achieves Freedom
- Southeast Asian Nations Gain Independence
- New Nations in Africa
- Conflicts in the Middle East
- Central Asia Struggles
Struggles for Democracy
- Democracy: Case Study: Latin American Democracies
- The Challenge of Democracy in Africa
- The Collapse of the Soviet Union
- Changes in Central and Eastern Europe
- China: Reform and Reaction
Global Interdependence
- Science and Technology Transform Life
- Global Economic Development
- Global Security Issues
- Terrorism
- Environmental Challenges
- Cultures Blend in a Global Age