Dr. Michael R. Scott

  • Dr. Michael R. Scott is proud to have served as the Director of Instrumental Music and Drama for the Morrisville School District since 1998 and Instructor of Social Studies since 2012. Instructional Responsibilities Currently Include:


    United States History I 

    ("Progressivism" 1880s through "The Great Depression" 1930s)

    United States History 2

    ("World War II" 1930s through "Modern & Contemporary Issues")

    World Cultures

    ("Rise of Democratic Ideals" through "American, French & Russian Revolution")


    (High School Elective)

    Criminology I & II

    (High School Elective)

    Psychology A & B  

    (High School Elective)


    Dr. Scott holds three Professional Educational Certifications

    Pennsylvania Certified Instructor of Music (K-12)

    Pennsylvania Certified Instructor of Social Studies (6-12)

    New Jersey Certified Instructor of Music (K-12)

    Dr. Scott holds Degrees in Music Education from Mansfield University, Music Performance from The New England Conservatory of Music and Graduated with High Honors with a Ph.D. in Education from Century University 

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