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Habel, Julie (Grades 1-6 Music)
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In Kindergarten we explore steady beats using scarves, rhythm sticks, and body movement. We have Movement Mondays, Scarves Tuesdays ,
Rhythm stick Wednesdays, Bean Bag Thursdays, Fun Fridays! This is the beginning of our Kindergarten Music experience and we have a lot of
fun! This year Kindergarten has music every day during the 3rd marking period.
First Grade
In First Grade we explore steady beats/no beats, tone color (both voices and instruments) loud/soft and fast/slow. We meet every three days.
Once a week we have echo clap activites. This is where students clap rhythmic patterns after me. The first marking period, we learn about
how most songs have steady beats, but there are also songs that do not have a beat. The second marking period, first grade learns about
how eacch voice (man, men, women, woman, child, and children) sound different. We also learn that each instrument sounds different. We
learn about the trumpet, trombone, violin, clarinet, drum. We do not have music during the 3rd marking period. In the fourth marking period
first grade learn about simple dynamics (loud/soft) and simple tempo (fast/slow). We use a lot of movement to explore these musical ideas.