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My Resources
In this section you will find information or links that pertain to Third Grade.
Our Schedule
8:25 – School Starts – morning work, check in
8:45 - Small Group Reading
9:30 – Special
10:10 – Math
11:35 – Lunch/Recess
12:25 – Sustained Silent Reading
12:40 – Phonics/Grammar
1:00 – Whole Group Reading
1:40 - Snack
2:00 – Science/Social Studies
3:00 – Dismissal
Curriculum Hightlights
Language Arts - We focus on building fluency and comprehension. Fluency means the rate at which they read aloud, and comprhension is showing what they understand after reading a passage. Please have your child read nightly and ask them questions about what they have read. Have them do repeated readings of the same story to build fluency. Break passages down into smaller chunks, no more than a page, to support understanding of text.
Math - This year, students will focus on developing their problem solving skills. They are now required to show work and explain in writing how they solved a story problem. To support them at home, please ask them how and why they solved a problem as often as possible. Encourage them to use math vocabulary in their explanations. We also heavily focus on learning and applying multiplication facts. By the end of third grade, they will need to master the basic facts up to ten. Please have them practice flash cards daily.